Safety Plan

What is a Safety Plan?

A safety plan is a proactive, written list of steps you can take when you’re having thoughts of suicide. By making one in advance, you’ll have a clear guide to follow in moments of distress or crisis — helping you feel safer and more in control. Usually, a safety plan includes strategies to manage stress and emotions, a list of people to reach out to for support and resources that can help you through a crisis.


When Should You Make a Safety Plan?

It’s best to create your safety plan during a time you can think clearly and thoughtfully. Many people make one after experiencing a mental health crisis or surviving a suicide attempt, but it’s also a good idea to make one if you have a history of mental health challenges or thoughts of suicide.


How to Use a Safety Plan

If you’re experiencing a crisis or thoughts of suicide, use your safety plan as a step-by-step guide. The plan will remind you of things that can calm your mind, people who understand what you’re going through and can offer support and professional or emergency contacts if you need more help. Make sure to review and update your safety plan regularly.

Additional Resources