Suicide Among College Students

College can be a tough time — transitioning to a new schedule, added responsibilities, academic and social pressures, fear of failure, loneliness and lack of adequate coping skills all contribute to increased stress levels for many students.

Suicide is the leading cause of death for college-aged individuals in South Dakota, directly impacting educational institutions in our state. And for every student who dies by suicide, dozens more struggle with suicidal thoughts and other mental health issues.

Fortunately, colleges and universities also have unique opportunities to offer students when it comes to suicide prevention measures.

Resources for Colleges and Universities

The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) has created a webpage for colleges and universities with background information and strategies to promote strong social relationships, improve access to mental health services, identify and assist students who may be at risk and prepare themselves to respond if a suicide death does occur.

Lost & Found

In South Dakota, Lost & Found takes a leading role in providing suicide prevention resources for colleges and students, focusing on three program areas:

  • Student programming that trains student advocates to lead awareness and educational programs.
  • Evaluation services that help campuses assess their resource capacity and provides contract, external program and grant evaluation services.
  • Digital advocacy and policies that address community and organizational mental health needs through targeted digital public mental health content, peer support training and resilience workshops.

Other High-Risk Populations

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Farmers and Ranchers

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