Facts & Stats
Facts and Stats on Suicide in South Dakota
- In South Dakota, suicide is the leading cause of death among individuals ages 10 to 19-year-olds and 20 to 29-year-olds in 2022 (SD DOH Vital Stats)
- SD had the 5th highest age-adjusted suicide death rate in the United States in 2021 (CDC WISQARS)
- SD = 23.4 per 100,000 population
- US = 14.0 per 100,000 population
- There were 192 suicides in 2022 in SD. (DOH Vital Stats)
- 78% of suicides were male and 22% were female, 2013-2022. (DOH Vital Stats)
- The Native American suicide rate is 2.7 times higher than SD White suicide rate for 2013-2022. (DOH Vital Stats)
- SD suicide methods: firearm 49%, hanging 36%, poisoning 11% and other 4%, 2013-2022. (DOH Vital Stats)
- 21.5% of SD high school students considered suicide (2021, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System)
- 11.9% of SD high school students attempted suicide (2021, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System)